As a Statutory Harbour Authority, Shoreham Port is responsible for the management of navigational safety within harbour limits between Hove Lagoon, the Old Toll Bridge on the River Adur and the outer Port limits.

Shoreham Port provides conservancy and a vessel information service for ships and craft using the Port, including the maintenance of navigational channels, moorings, lights and the provision of hydrographic, tidal and other information. Shoreham Port is also the Pilotage Authority within harbour limits.

Shoreham Port exists under its own unique legislation to improve and safeguard the Port for the benefit of all stakeholders, providing the highest quality of service and facilities to all port users, developing a modern port infrastructure and ensuring that stringent health and safety standards are maintained at all times. Shoreham Port is committed to full compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code. Each year the Port's Designated Person carries out an audit of Port Marine Safety Code compliance which is reported back to the Board and identifies areas for development as well as areas of best practice already in place.

Visit the Dashboard to find real-time data on wind forecast, marine traffic, and vessel movements

Shoreham Harbour Radio

Situated on the Middle Island between our two locks, Shoreham Harbour Radio is the hub of Port operations, and is operated 24/7, every day of the year.

You can contact Shoreham Harbour Radio via:
VHF Channel 14 – Call Sign "Shoreham Harbour Radio"
Telephone: +44 (0)1273 592366
Fax: +44 (0)1273 595988 