12 August 2013

Our Lock Controllers and other members of staff working in the vicinity of the locks at Shoreham Port are becoming increasingly concerned that a serious accident may happen on the pedestrian footpath over the locks because a few cyclists insist on riding their bikes across. The vast majority of cyclists take the responsible and caring measure of dismounting before walking across but a few insist on riding across despite the crowds of pedestrians, many of them very small children, trying to cross at the same time.
A worried member of staff, who did not want to be named because he fears some cyclists become aggressive, said a serious incident is just waiting to happen. “I’m really worried about the little kiddies crossing the locks when you look at the speed some of these cyclists go at”, he said, I’ve tried asking them to take a bit more care but they just ignore you and sometimes they can be quite threatening. There’s plenty of signage and I don’t know what else we can do.”
Julian Seaman, Harbour Master at Shoreham Port commented “It is narrow path that runs over the lock gates leaving little space for pedestrians and cyclist to pass each other. It is for this reason that we ask cyclists to dismount over the lock gates. Health and Safety is paramount at the Port and we take every measure possible to ensure the safety of our visitors. Cyclists disobeying this rule are putting themselves and many others at unnecessary risk.”
Julian continued “Shoreham Port has an excellent safety culture and our employees are very vigilant and aware of potential hazards. Thank you to the majority of Port users who do respect the Port’s Health and Safety policies and help us to promote a safe and enjoyable environment. I would like to appeal to the general public crossing the locks to help us in keeping the route safe and to that small minority of anti-social cyclists to please show a modicum of care and dismount while crossing”
If you have any questions or comments regarding the above please call 01273 598100 and a member of our team will be happy to help.