19 April 2013

Last weekend saw the fourth annual Brighton Marathon come racing through the Port. Spectators watched in awe as the competitors pounded the roads around the Port, along Basin Road South and back towards Hove Lagoon to carry on the remainder of the course. After relentless rain on Saturday, competitors and spectators were relieved to see the sun come out mid-morning for the race, making for a fine day along the South Coast.
Shoreham Port have supported the Brighton Marathon since its debut back in 2010. Every year staff dedicate time, on this weekend in April, to help the event run smoothly and ensure the route through the Port is safe and secure.
To prepare the Port for race day, staff from the operations division ensure all cargo is moved off the terminals which will become part of the course and that road and quay areas are cleaned ready for the thousands of runners passing through.
William Barker, Deputy Harbour Master at Shoreham Port commented “We are proud to support the Brighton Marathon. There is a real buzz of excitement when the first set of runners comes through the Port. I ran the race two years ago and know how important the supporters are to each competitor, especially at this point in the race when people are really starting to feel tired, so thank you to everyone that came down. It is so rewarding the next day to hear how much money has been raised and for so many great causes”.
Shoreham Port would like to congratulate Bob Weaver on successfully completing the marathon. Bob, who is a Stevedore at the Port, ran the marathon in aid of the Bon Accord Nursing Home. Bob commented “A huge thank you to Shoreham Port for their donation to the nursing home. It was a fantastic day on Sunday, the sun came out and the spectators followed to support us on our way. It is such an inspiring event and made even more special by the homely crowd that cheer us on and help us overcome the dreaded ‘wall’!
Shoreham Port has also donated to Arms Around The Child UK in memory of Sam Harper Brighouse who tragically collapsed during the marathon. We would like to offer our condolences to Sam’s family and friends. If you would like to donate to Arms Around The Child UK please visit www.justgiving.com/SamHarperBrighouse.