4 May 2012

Safety is of paramount importance at Shoreham Port and with the summer in sight the Port has increased their efforts to raise awareness about the dangers associated with jumping into water of an unknown depth. This activity, widely known as ‘tombstoning’ has led to many youngsters injuring themselves and in severe cases it has led to fatalities.  

A powerful DVD highlighting the dangers surrounding the activity, produced by Dover District Community Safety Partnership and the Port of Dover Police, has been launched on the previous Ports website. The film shows the possible consequences of the high risk activity and includes the story of a young man who was left paralysed after jumping from a pier.

Nadeem Aziz, chairman of the Dover Community Safety Partnership, said "This is a very important issue in coastal towns and is something that can have devastating effects on individuals and their friends and family. We all must play our part in discouraging this dangerous and potentially fatal activity and we are very pleased to have been able to fund this project.”

Shoreham Port is striving to educate local school children on the dangers of tombstoning and the information has been sent to many of the local schools. Shoreham Port’s staff have delivered safety messages to many of the schools within close proximity of the Port and they hope to continue to meet with them over the coming weeks.

Paul Johnson, Safety & HR Director said “it is so important that our safety message gets out to the wider community; when it comes to safety we all have our part to play. We want all our visitors to have fun and hope 2012 is signed off with no reported tombstoning incidents.”