11 April 2017
On the 23rd March members of Shoreham Port’s Board of Directors and Senior Leadership Team took part in Port Marine Safety Code (PMSC) Duty Holder training. The training took place in Shoreham Port’s head office at Nautilus House.
The training was scheduled as part of the PMSC three year plan. The PMSC states that every member organisation must have a ‘Duty Holder’ who is accountable for their compliance with the code and their performance in ensuring safe marine operations. The PMSC training is one of the key performance indicators outlined for Shoreham Port Board Members.
The Duty Holders are responsible for the policies, procedures, risk assessments and resources as part of the Marine Safety Management System. They also create plans, set objectives and produce regular reports.
As part of the training the group worked through a case study of an incident at another port. They looked at the consequences of the incident and analysed the risk assessments used. The group discussed best practice for handling such incidents and the measures that can be put in place to reduce the risk of such incidents occurring.
Andy Langford from Nautx is the Port’s Designated Person and acts as an independent advisor to ensure that the Port is compliant with the requirements of the PMSC.
Andy commented “The Board, as Duty Holders, have a central role in maintaining the Port's PMSC compliance. This training session was designed to give the Board Members an insight into Safety Management as it pertains to the Marine Department and importantly identified those factors which differentiate a successfully operating Marine Safety Management System from an unsuccessful one. In receiving this training, the Board are suitably informed and equipped to underpin the Harbour Master and his team in continuing to ensure a safe and compliant harbour undertaking.”
Stuart Condie, Chairman of Shoreham Port added “Our Board places great importance on the health, safety and wellbeing of all port employees and stakeholders. PMSC training is part of each Non-Executive Director’s induction programme. We recognise our responsibilities as Duty Holders and partake in annual training, as well as conducting at least two safety inspections each per annum. There are biannual and annual audits for both marine and dry side operations.
We would like to thank Andy Langford for the extensive training he provided, the members of our Board and Senior Leadership Team who attended the session found it incredibly informative and it will help greatly with the ongoing planning of our Marine Safety Management System.”
Category: Maritime