15 May 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Shoreham Port have made the difficult decision to reschedule their popular annual Public Meeting, which was originally planned for Tuesday 19th May, to Tuesday 23rd June. To ensure the safety of their valued stakeholders and of the Shoreham Port team, the meeting will be in a virtual video format. Details of how to watch the meeting will be shared at the beginning of June.
Throughout the pandemic, Shoreham Port continues to offer support to their small business tenants and vulnerable members of the community while remaining fully operational and supporting the Port team, in line with government guidance. The Port are maintaining their updated package of measures put in place across the Port, and regularly update their Community Support page.
As a Trust Port at the heart of the local community, Shoreham Port highly values the opportunity that their Public Meeting bring to unite their wide range of stakeholders found within the footprint of the Port; from boat owners, Port users and local residents and authorities, who learn about the Port’s development and are given the welcomed opportunity to ask questions, give feedback and suggestions.
During the video, Tom Willis, Chief Executive will share important updates from the Port, discussing key topics including performance results for the year of 2019, and the development of the Port’s Masterplan. Tom’s presentation will be followed by a Q&A session, where he will address as many questions and comments as possible.
Shoreham Port highly value all feedback and suggestions. Members of the public can submit their questions and any other comments for Chief Executive Tom Willis and the Port’s Senior Leadership Team by emailing their enquiries to events@shoreham-port.co.uk or by contacting the Port team via their social media channels. The deadline for submitting questions for the Public Meeting is the 31st May.
Amber Foster, Chair at Shoreham Port commented “While I am disappointed that due to social distancing measures we cannot meet with our stakeholders at Southwick Community Centre this year, we look forward to still being able to deliver a virtual meeting. The Shoreham Port team really value the time we spend interacting with our local community at our annual Public Meetings, and I look forward to hearing our stakeholders’ views and seeking their valued input.”
Amber continued “I would also like to thank the dedicated Shoreham Port team, who, as key workers, have ensured that the Port continues operating during this challenging time, whilst offering practical support to our valued local community and tenants.”
Tom Willis, Chief Executive commented “Much the same as other organisations and gatherings, we are adapting to new ways of engaging with our stakeholders while keeping in line with government guidelines. While this year’s public meeting won’t run quite like previous years, I am very much looking forward to my first Public Meeting as Shoreham Port’s Chief Executive next month.
Tom continued “Please remember to email in your questions or submit them via social media before the end of this month; I am excited to read them all and hear what enquires our community has to ask me and the rest of the Shoreham Port team while we continue to remain operational to keep Britain supplied.”
Category: Community