30 January 2015

Shoreham Port is delighted to announce the appointment of Stuart Condie as Chairman of the Board. Stuart has been a Board member since 2011 and Deputy Chair since January 2014. In addition to this, he has been on the Audit Committee, and latterly became Chairman of the Port of Shoreham Trustee Company.

With extensive experience in the airport industry, Stuart brings a wealth of infrastructure knowledge and experience to the Board. Specialising in key areas such as health & safety, planning and economics, Stuart has the skills set needed to build on the successes of the Port and continue to drive it forward.

Stuart Condie, Chairman said “I am delighted to be taking over and working with the Board as we enter another exciting chapter in the Port’s history. It is great to lead a Board that is so diverse and collectively has a great depth of knowledge in many different professional areas.”

Supporting Stuart in his role as Chairman and taking on the position of Deputy Chair is Ian Postlethwaite, who lives locally in Shoreham. Ian was appointed to the Board in 2011 and in 2014 was appointed Chairman of the Audit Committee. Ian has a strong background in finance and is a qualified accountant and a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants.

Ian Postlethwaite, Deputy Chair said “I am very pleased to be taking up the role of Deputy Chair after four years on the Board. I look forward to assisting Stuart in his role as Chairman and working with the Board to ensure Shoreham remains highly competitive and engaged with their stakeholders”

Rodney Lunn, Chief Executive at Shoreham Port commented “I would like to congratulate Stuart and Ian on their new positions on the Board. I have had the pleasure of working with both Stuart and Ian since 2011 and I have every confidence that our new Chairman and Deputy Chair will make a great team, taking the Port to new heights.”