9 January 2015
Shoreham Port has taken further action to reduce its dependency on fossil fuels and continues to convert to using renewable energy. The Port has submitted a planning application to Adur District Council for the installation of two Norvento nED100 wind turbines, which will be situated on the seaward side of the Outer Lay-by Terminal off Basin Road South.
The turbines will on average be capable of producing annually 555,000 kWh of electricity, matching the energy demand of the Port’s pump house. This proposal forms part of the Port’s wider energy strategy, of which solar power is already playing an important role.
The two turbines will consist of a three-bladed rotor, 22m in diameter, supported by a 24.5m tubular monopole. They will be of a similar height to the existing lighting towers.
The Port decided to go ahead with the proposals following a positive outcome to a community consultation run by development partner Fine Energy and manufacturer Norvento Wind Energy UK. Consultations began on Wednesday 22 October 2014 and ran for two weeks. In total 70% of those who responded were in full support of the project.
Some individuals were concerned that access to the Eastern breakwater would be restricted, but this will only happen for safety reasons when essential maintenance is required, as is already the case with the maintenance of the sea defences.
Peter Davies Development Director said “We are confident we have chosen the right turbines and that they will be an asset to the Port without impacting on the local area. Wind turbines aren’t suitable in every location, but the industrial setting of the Port must be one of the most appropriate places in Sussex. The project fits well with our Eco-Port status and our aim to use clean green energy.”
A copy of the application is available from Fine Energy at www.fineenergy.co.uk and is also available on the Adur District Council website. The Port hopes that the local community will support the application by writing to the Council (quoting reference AWDM/1702/14). Should the project be granted planning consent, the turbines are scheduled to be installed and operating by summer 2015.