24 June 2016

On Tuesday members of Shoreham Port’s Engineering team headed to Davison High School for Girls to take part in the 9th Adur and Worthing Eco Summit. 

The Eco Summit was organised by the E.Y.E. Project which was established in 2008 by Tim Loughton, M.P. for East Worthing and Adur. Tim’s aim was to bring local schools together to focus on the importance of caring for our planet and to provide an additional opportunity for the young people within those schools to learn about environmental matters through the fun and educational activities available at the Eco-Summit events.

Around 250 Eco Warriors from 18 different schools attended the Eco Summit event where they heard from Key Note Speaker Emma Pinchbeck (Head of Climate Change and Energy - WWF UK) ten surprising items about Climate Change that she has learnt in her job. Pupils then split into small groups where they attended a number of fun and interactive workshop sessions with the theme of climate change.

There was a Climate Change Art Competition presentation by the Ropetackle Arts Centre and Shoreham Port with winning pupils from two E.Y.E. Project 'member' schools, Chatsmore Catholic High School and Thomas A Becket Junior School, each receiving a cheque for £125 towards their school eco initiatives donated by the Port.

Rhys Hutchings, Senior Engineering Manager at Shoreham Port commented “We thoroughly enjoyed delivering our workshop on rising sea levels. We used a model filled with water to demonstrate the effect waves have on the coast line and the pupils were asked to devise different coast protection solutions. We had some fantastic ideas from the pupils and everyone was very engaged with the project. We would be delighted to take part in the Eco Summit again next year and continue to educate children about our environment and what we can do to reduce the effects of climate change.”

Clare Sutton, Project Officer for the E.Y.E Project commented "Thank you so much to Rhys and the team at Shoreham Port for donating your time at the Eco Summit event and for the big part you played in making the day such a success. It was clear that your workshop was enjoyed by all and the pupils were excited and engaged throughout the session.”

To find out more about the Eco-Summit and the E.Y.E Project please visit www.eyeproject.co.uk.