18 May 2016

Shoreham Port were pleased to host their Annual Public & Stakeholders Meeting yesterday evening at Southwick Community Centre. Over 70 people were in attendance including local residents, leisure boat owners, local club members and many port staff.
The evening began with light refreshments and a chance for Shoreham Port staff to introduce themselves to guests. At 7pm everyone took a seat to enjoy a presentation from Chief Executive, Rodney Lunn. The presentation covered a number of important topics including cargo results, updates on the wind turbine development and community engagement schemes.
The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. A variety of interesting subjects were discussed and the Port was thanked for their assistance with Sussex Yacht Club and the Slipways Group.
Local stakeholder and port enthusiast Ron Valentine commented “We only got back from our holiday on Monday but we were determined to make it down for the Port’s Public Meeting. We are big fans of the Port and feel very lucky to have attended one of Tony Parker’s port tours. My wife Shirley and I thoroughly enjoyed the meeting and found it most insightful. We look forward to returning in July for a boat tour!”
Rodney Lunn, Chief Executive at Shoreham Port commented “Thank you to all who attended the meeting last night. We had a great turnout and were pleased with the positive feedback received on the night. We look forward to continuing our engagement with our local community over the coming months and especially in July at our two-day boat tours event.”