26 July 2010

To celebrate 250 years at the heart of the community, Shoreham Port invited pupils aged between 5 to 11 years old from Eastbrook Primary School to put their artistic skills to the test and draw or paint and design a picture for the open day.

The pictures depicted past, present and the future of the port and were displayed last Sunday at the Port's open day, where an estimated 15000 visitors attended. Shoreham Port staff had a tough decision to choose prize winners as all the pictures were very impressive. Overall there were 25 winners and Kevin Stewart, Assistant Harbour Master and Lorraine Halliday, Accounts Assistant, were delighted to attend the schools assembly to hand out their prizes of 25 Toys R Us gift cards of equal value.

The Deputy Headmistress was delighted to see the children had really enjoyed the day and made such a brilliant effort with the pictures and applied a great deal of imagination with their designs. All teachers and staff at the school commented on how organised the port staff were, and appreciated their time, effort and generosity.

Kevin Stewart, Assistant Harbour Master said " I would like to thank all those children who made such a brilliant effort entering the Shoreham Port open day competition I was amazed at the high standard of creative artwork, capturing those wonderful  snapshots of the port through a childs eye".