18 September 2015

This month the Port welcomed a group of 30 visitors for a tour of the Port. The visitors had signed up to Brighton and Hove Open Days as part of the national Heritage Open Days event.
Heritage Open Days is a four-day festival celebrating England's local history and giving access to thousands of places usually closed to the public. This year was the second year that Shoreham Port had welcomed visitors for a unique ‘behind the scenes’ tour.
The group was led by Tim Hague and Georgia Ellis. Tim is the Property Manager at Shoreham Port and has a wealth of knowledge about all areas of the Port and the different activities that take place. Georgia is the Port’s Marketing & Communications Assistant and was also on hand to answer any questions the group had and to capture the group enjoying their trip on camera.
The group were shown around the Port by coach. They started at Nautilus House before making their way over to the Port’s Operations Division. The group were then able to leave the coach and walk along the terminal to the quay edge. From here Tim pointed out the many businesses based at Shoreham and discussed the Port’s development plans for the future.
The tour then headed further along Basin Road South to Gate 8 where the pump house is located. The visitors were allowed rare access inside the pump house to see the enormous impounding pumps in action. The tour then concluded with a walk over the lock gates and a look at Harbour Radio.
Shirley Davies who attended the tour commented “I live locally and used to be a teacher so I am always interested in learning, especially about the area I live in.”
Elaine Sansom added “I found the tour very interesting and I had never realised how much went on here.”
And finally Pam Bird added “It’s nice to know what’s going on so close to where I live on Shoreham beach. It was very educational.”
Tim Hague commented “Thank you to everyone who attended the tour. It is always a pleasure for us to show people around and share news about what is going on at the Port. It is an extremely busy place and I hope everyone enjoyed seeing some of the action at first-hand.”