22 February 2013

Shoreham Port has recently invested in two Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’s). AED’s are small, portable and easy to operate lifesaving medical devices which are designed to deliver an electrical shock to a person who is having a sudden cardiac arrest medical emergency. One of the defibrillators is located in the 24 hour Harbour Radio office, located at the lock entrance and the other is held at the Operations offices at gate one, at the other end of the Port.
Paul Johnson, Safety and HR Director at Shoreham Port commented “We have over 30 members of staff trained in first Aid, of which all have received further training in the use of an AED’s. It is paramount that we prepare for all eventualities and our commitment to the safety and care of our stakeholders, customers and visitors remains our number one priority at Shoreham Port.”
Paul Rutherford, Stevedore at Shoreham Port added “defibrillators have become an essential part of first aid. With the general working age increasing and the duty of care we have to Port staff, the public and visitors, installing the defibrillators was a decision strongly supported by all the staff at the Port.
We received excellent training in the use of a defibrillator. Our trainer showed us when and how they would be used in a real life scenario. Although I hope to never have to use a defibrillator it was interesting and reassuring to be shown exactly how they work.”
For the best chance of survival an AED should be used within the first 3-5 minutes after collapse. Currently less than 5% of victims survive, largely because a defibrillator does not arrive in time. However an AED used within 5 minutes can increase the survival rate to 50%.
Shoreham Port has been working hard to encourage a positive safety culture and it’s thanks to the commitment of their workforce to continually improve and develop their skills that they have such an excellent safety record. Last year Shoreham Port was recognised for their commitment to safety and won the St John Ambulance Workplace of the Year Award and an International Safety Award.