14 February 2020

Shoreham Port is very sad to announce that it’s Director of Compliance, Paul Johnson has passed away, following his long battle with cancer. The heartfelt thoughts of all our staff and board members are with his family and friends.

Paul joined the Port in 2009 with immense drive and ambition to transform the safety culture at the Port, putting it at the heart of everything the Port does. Over the past decade Paul has been successful in raising safety standards and empowering all staff to be accountable for safety. Safety is now the number one priority at the Port and completely entrenched within the culture.

Rodney Lunn, former Chief Executive of Shoreham Port said “On behalf of Shoreham Port, I wish to express our deepest condolences to Sara his wife and the family and to record our heartfelt appreciation for the time and effort Paul invested in Shoreham Port. The Port has had the pleasure of Paul’s enthusiasm, drive and commitment over the past decade and he will be sorely missed. The Port now is very different to the Port Paul joined and he has been a pivotal part of that transformation. His energy, positivity and formidable work ethic will inspire and stay with us always.”

Tom Willis, Chief Executive of Shoreham Port said “Despite only having the pleasure of working with Paul for a short period of time it is clear that he has made a lasting impact across both Shoreham Port and the wider maritime community. I know that Paul’s enthusiasm, determination and glass half full approach will be missed by everyone here.”

Paul’s legacy extends far beyond Shoreham Port to the wider maritime industry where he played a key role in shaping safety standards for all UK ports. Paul was elected by the industry to chair the long-established Port Skills and Safety Group (PSSG) which provides the industry with a forum for health and safety practitioners, and others with an interest in health and safety, to learn about and discuss current issues, and to share information and best practice. During this time, Paul was honoured to be selected by the PSSG to influence the industry standards for safety practice in ports and his contribution enabled a series of guidance documents for best practice in ports to be created.

Richard Steele, Chief Executive of Port Skills & Safety paid tribute to Paul and said “It has been a pleasure to work with Paul over many years. He brought a rare combination of passion, intelligent thinking, can-do problem solving and a way of working with people that gets them pulling together and giving their best. Simply put, Paul was a cornerstone to the work that the industry has done to drive practical standards and to help make sure that everyone goes home safe.”

Prior to joining the Port, Paul had a 23-year career in the Royal Navy which saw him serve in the Falklands, Bosnia, Kosovo and the Gulf, as well as several years in the manufacturing industry.

Category: Announcements