6 September 2010


Harbour users are reminded that the drafts of all vessels using the Prince George lock is a maximum of the predicted height of tide minus 0.2 metres.

The Prince George Lock operates to a timetable; opening for the outward-bound vessels on each hour and to inward-bound vessels on each half-hour around the clock, irrespective of the amount of water available to users.

The green traffic signal simply signifies that all vessels have departed the lock and it is clear to approach the lock as per Shoreham Port Authority General Byelaw (Amendment) 1994 No.9 (2). It is not an instruction to enter, nor is it confirmation of adequate depth of water for any individual craft.

Every Master and Skipper has a responsibility to ensure the safety of his own craft and an accurate awareness of the vessel's draught and the depth of available water should be a basic part of any passage planning, a required under Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, otherwise known as SOLAS V.


Julian Seaman, Harbour Master                                                                                  3rd September 2010


Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made to the Masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.