5 January 2010


Please be advised that subsequent to the recent dredging campaign at the harbour entrance depths have increased.

The drafts of all vessels using the harbour entrance may now be uplifted to a maximum of the predicted height of tide plus 1.0 metres.  This allows for a maximum under keel clearance at the entrance of 0.7 metres in calm seas. When the actual tide is less than the predicted tide or there are waves and/or swell the expected under keel clearance will be reduced.

Copies of the latest survey are available for viewing at the Port Control Building/Harbour Office. Masters of vessels holding Pilotage Exemption Certificates should sight the latest survey at the earliest opportunity.

Masters of all vessels navigating at the entrance of the harbour are advised to proceed with caution and must maintain sufficient under keel clearance having taken into account the draft, speed and characteristics of the vessel.

Julian Seaman, Harbour Master - 5th January 2010


Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the Masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.