28 July 2010

All harbour users are reminded of the relevant General Byelaws (Amendment) 1986 concerning marine safety:


Part II. Navigation

5. Vessels to navigate with care. The master shall navigate his vessel with such care and caution and at such speed and in such manner as not to endanger the lives of or cause injury to persons or damage to property and as not to interfere with the navigation, man­oeuvring, loading or discharging of vessels or with moorings, river banks or other property.


All users must observe the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at sea. Owners and operators of high speed craft and Personal Water Craft should be particularly vigilant regarding their speed and the wash that can be created. Such craft should be operated in a courteous manner with consideration being given to others on the water.


Julian Seaman, Harbour Master                                                                                               27th July 2010   

Owners, Agents, Charterers, Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Recreational Sailing Organisations should ensure that the contents of this Notice are made known to the Masters or persons in charge of their vessels or craft.