28 April 2017

As part of Shoreham Port’s CSR strategy all members of staff are encouraged to take one day, per year, away from work to volunteer for a charity of their choice. With over 100 employees working at the Port the scheme has already benefited multiple local charities.

This week, Lockmaster Steve Gates volunteered for homeless charity Emmaus at their main site in Portslade Old Village. Emmaus Communities enable people to move on from homelessness, providing work and a home in a supportive, family environment.

Companions, as residents are known, work full time collecting and reselling donated furniture. This work supports the Community financially and enables residents to develop skills, rebuild their self-respect and help others in greater need.

Steve had a busy day working in the furniture warehouse sorting through current stock and sold stock that needed to be moved to another area. In the afternoon Steve and one of the Emmaus Companions headed out in a van to collect further donations. 

Steve commented “I thoroughly enjoyed my day working alongside the team at Emmaus. It was hard work but really rewarding. Everyone was incredibly friendly and appreciative, and I was even treated to a lovely lunch! I look forward to helping at the centre again in the future.”

Joel Lewis, Business Manager at Emmaus Brighton & Hove commented “I hope Steve enjoyed his time with us. He got on really well with our Companions and staff and helped out with a variety of tasks. We are incredibly grateful for his hard work and hope to see him again soon.”

If you are a local charity and have upcoming volunteering opportunities please contact Shoreham Port on 01273 598100 and ask to speak to Katie Orchin, Marketing & Communications Manager.

To find out more about Emmaus and the life changing work they do in the local community please visit www.emmausbrighton.co.uk.

Categories: Community, Maritime