8 March 2010
As part of our emergency planning, we have been working closely with all emergency services with incident planning throughout the port. We all hope these incidents will never occur, but we must be prepared to respond.
On Tuesday 2nd March between 09:00hrs and 13:00hrs a maritime emergency exercise was held on Hansons Wharf at Shoreham Port.
The exercise tested the emergency services response to a fire on board a ship. The exercise involved the MV City of Chichester, that had reported a fire via a distress call to Solent Coastguard.
Up to 20 emergency service vehicles and 60 personnel was deployed to Hansons Wharf, Basin Road South as well as the ports firefighting tug Adurni, workboats and oil spill response equipment.
As with any exercise, lessons have been learnt and plans will be updated for future responses.