10 June 2016

The Sussex group of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport UK (CILT UK) joined Shoreham Port on Tuesday evening for an exclusive tour by watercraft following a presentation by Finance Director & Deputy Chief Executive, Sara Bassett.
The CILT’s vision is to be the leading global membership organisation providing education and development for both individuals and corporations within a range of professions.
CILT has a presence in more than 30 countries across the world. This network of members and contacts can connect all CILT members wherever they are in the world and constitutes the greatest resource of professional expertise within their areas of interest.
Anne Clark, Chairman of the CILT Sussex Group commented “Thank you so much to the team at Shoreham Port for an excellent visit. All of our members were very complimentary about the whole event, particularly the amount of information provided and of course the boat trip cemented it all together.”
Sara Bassett, Finance Director & Deputy Chief Executive at Shoreham Port added “It was a pleasure to host members of the CILT Sussex Group. We had a very enjoyable evening answering questions about the Port and taking members on a tour along the canal, made even better by the fine weather!”
To find out more about the CILT please visit www.ciltuk.org.uk.