5 November 2010

Please note: we no longer store this cargo. 05/08/2020

There has been much press coverage this last week on the Ammonium Nitrate imported through the port and the effect on the planning process for the pilot pub.

We fully understand the concerns of the public and attended a local resident meeting this week to discuss and allay their concerns.

Peter Davies Development Director of Shoreham Port Authority said

“We have been importing ammonium nitrate on the port for several years without any concerns from the Health and Safety Executive or the fire brigade. The material is used as fertiliser by local farmers and is only on the port for a short while. It is an inert material and harmless on its own. We take safety very seriously on the port and have proper procedures in place. Planning permission was given back in 2006 for the storage of up to 2,800 tonnes of the material, but we normally only ever store up to 1200 tonnes at any one time and that for no more than two weeks after we have had a shipment. We are waiting to here a fuller explanation from the Health and Safety Executive in relation to the application for the proposed flats at the Pilot Public House site and will then review the situation”.