18 December 2015

As we reach the end of 2015 Shoreham Port reflects on another busy and prosperous year at the Port. Ships calls and imports of commodities such as timber, steel and aggregates have remained consistent throughout the year and the Port fully expects this to continue into 2016.

Rodney Lunn, Chief Executive at Shoreham Port commented “We would like to thank all of our stakeholders for their support and encouragement this year. We are delighted that the investments in infrastructure and equipment continue, in order to maintain our high service standards. 2016 is set to be another exciting year, as we further enhance our operational facilities, grow our workforce and build new shed space. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.”

As a Trust Port, Shoreham Port has a strong commitment to its local community and every year, at the beginning of December, selects a Christmas Charity to support. This year the Port will be supporting The Clock Tower Sanctuary in Brighton. The Clock Tower Sanctuary is the only drop-in service providing all-round information, advice and support to homeless young people (aged 16-25) in Brighton and Hove.

Natalia Borg, Administrative and Fundraising Assistant at The Clock Tower Sanctuary commented “We are delighted that Shoreham Port and their staff have chosen to support The Clock Tower Sanctuary with their festive Christmas Jumper Day and a Christmas Donation! The Clock Tower Sanctuary will support over 1000 visits by homeless young people this winter that will have nowhere to call home. Shoreham Port’s donation will help us give young people somewhere safe to go this winter.”

Katie Orchin, Marketing & Communications Executive at Shoreham Port added “I am so pleased that The Clock Tower Sanctuary has been chosen as our Christmas Charity for 2015. The charity carries out life changing work across Brighton and Hove and I hope that our contribution will encourage others to support the Urgent Winter Appeal this Christmas.”

To make a donation to The Clock Tower Sanctuary’s Urgent Winter Appeal please visit www.campaign.justgiving.com/charity/theclocktowersanctuary/URGENTWinterAppeal2015.

We hope that you have a very Merry Christmas from all the team at Shoreham Port!